PHP is part of LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySQL and PHP), an open-source Web development platform, also called a Web stack, that uses Linux as the operating system, Apache as the Web server, MySQL as the RDBMS and PHP as the object-oriented scripting language. Perl or Python often substituted for PHP, is one of the most popular programming languages, currently used by over 240 million websites. Both front-end applications and web services can be built on PHP.
LAMP stack is the right choice for businesses interested in:
- Fast time to market.
- Low maintenance cost.
- Easy access to a pool of software specialists.
Veave has a proven track record in developing various custom software solutions based on a LAMP stack:
- E-commerce platforms and online shopping sites.
- Online auctions and betting platforms.
- Social networking applications.
- Web services for mobile apps.
- Online marketing solutions.
With the rising popularity of Python, Veave is well suited to help you. In the constantly changing technology landscape, more and more companies come to rely on the flexibility and power of Python instead of Java frameworks or Microsoft .NET. The key reason to consider using Python over the Microsoft stack is the licensing cost and a closed source code. While Java has a powerful virtual machine, its programming language is lagging behind as it's controlled by Oracle, and many companies turn to Python.
Several reasons to consider Python:
- Easily accessible platform documentation.
- Lots of well-maintained libraries.
- Powerful GUI frameworks: PyGTK, PyQt, wxPython.
- Reliable web frameworks: Django, Zope, CherryPy.
- Out-of-the-box availability on Mac OS X/Linux/FreeBSD platforms.
- Easy to learn.
- Easy to use cloud hosting: Google App Engine (GAE).
- Simple way of distributing python packages using Python Eggs.
Veave has solid expertise in using Python for a variety of applications: web development (Django, Zope, CherryPy), GUI applications, scripting, back-end development, natural language processing, distributed calculations, map-reduce, big data scenarios. Python is the right choice for rapid prototyping and for design and development in rapidly changing environments: using free IDE, such as PyDev for Eclipse and free account on Google App Engine, you can develop and publish your application for a trial run with no licensing or hosting fees.
Ruby On Rails
Ruby on Rails (Rails) is an open source full-stack web application framework which facilitates creation of consumer websites and applications. Compared with Microsoft .NET or Java, Ruby on Rails is well-suited for rapid web application development.
Using Ruby on Rails provides a number of advantages :
- Faster Development.
- Ruby on Rails provides many standard components helping to reduce amount of code.
- Stable, and Reliable.
- A large dedicated community of Rails developers has open sourced numerous libraries, ensuring fewer bugs and shorter time to market.
- Mobile Ready.
- Ruby on Rails is well-integrated with Backbone, Knockout, Emberjs and other JavaScript frameworks, which facilitates the creation of responsive web applications optimized for mobile devices.
- Easy to Deploy.
- Rails apps are compatible with major cloud platforms, such as Heroku and Engineyard, making the deployment process quick and effortless .
A small team of Ruby engineers can have a minimum viable product (MVP) developed into beta in minimal time. Ruby on Rails has been a framework of choice for startups. Global services, such as Twitter, Github, Scribd, Hulu, Groupon, Airbnb, Redmine and UrbanDictionary were built on Rails.
Ruby on Rails is an ideal solution for :
- Creating custom web applications from scratch.
- Building server-side services for mobile applications.
- Projects with limited budget and tight timeframe.
Ruby on Rails is not well suited when:
- Open source license is not applicable.
- Integration with enterprise IT infrastructure is required.